Celebrating Christmas

Christmas Celebration

Christmas is celebrated on December 25 and is both a sacred religious holiday and a social and business event in and of itself. People all over the world have been observing it with strict and commonplace customs and practices for two centuries. Christians notice Christmas Day as the celebration of the presentation of Jesus of Nazareth, a significant trailblazer whose illustrations structure the reason of their religion. Some well-known customs include giving gifts to one another, decorating Christmas trees, going to church, giving meals to loved ones, and obviously hoping that Santa Claus will show up. Since around 1870, Christmas Day has been a government holiday in the United States.

What started Christmas

Around the world, the middle of winter has long been a time of celebration. Early Europeans celebrated light and birth even during the darkest, longest periods of winter, hundreds of years before the man who would later be known as Jesus. During the winter solstice, when the worst of the cold was behind them and they could anticipate longer days and longer stretches of daylight, a lot of people groups cheered.

In many parts of Europe, the end of December was a great time to celebrate. The majority of dairy cattle at that time were slaughtered to avoid having to be cared for during the cooler months. For some, it was likely the time of year when they had a supply of new meat. In addition, the majority of the year's wine and beer had finally matured and been prepared for consumption.

During the middle of winter, Germans venerated the agnostic god Oden. Oden was feared by the Germans because they believed he flew through the night to find his family and decide who would live or die. Considering his presence, numerous people chose to stay inside.

Is Christmas the actual day that Jesus was born

Easter was the most important holiday for the early Christians; Jesus' first public appearance was not commemorated. In the fourth century, church leaders decided to make Jesus' first public appearance a vacation. Sadly, there is no mention of when he first appeared in the world in the Bible (a fact that the Puritans later changed all together to prevent the authenticity from winning the festival). Even though there is evidence to suggest that he was introduced to the world in the spring (how could shepherds crowd around Pope Julius in the middle?), I chose December 25. It is generally accepted that the congregation chose this date in order to adopt the agnostic Saturnalia celebration's traditions. Originally known as the Dining Experience of the Nativity, it spread to Egypt in 432 and Britain in the sixth century.

Right when Christmas Was Launched

During the seventeenth hundred years, a surge of severe change affected how Christmas was lauded in Europe. When Oliver Cromwell and his Puritan rulers took control of Britain in 1645, they promised to get rid of excess and made Christmas a part of their work. Charles II was elevated to a high position by popular demand, and with him came the onset of the well-known event.

The English separatist explorers, who arrived in America in 1620, adhered much more strictly to Puritan ideals than Cromwell did. As a result, Christmas did not exist in early America. From 1659 to 1681, the celebration of Christmas was truly precluded in Boston. Anyone showing the Christmas soul was fined five shillings. In contrast, Commander John Smith said that Christmas went off without a hitch in the Jamestown settlement and that everyone enjoyed it.
